Monday, March 1, 2010


It's no secret that we, as human beings, are immensely passionate and emotional creatures. We are capable of so broad a range of feelings that one would be hard pressed to find words or descriptors for them all. Hell, for all that we feel in a day alone. So it stands to reason that we are oft times confused as to our own feelings. For that matter, what is a feeling? An Emotion? Are they merely blasts of neuro activity and chemicals being dumped into our blood after being triggered by stimuli? Or is there a hint of the ever elusive soul in there? One has to wonder. I know I do. Normally, I hold my feelings in tight reign. I dislike distraction and complication almost as much as I loathe repetition. Yet at times I find myself overwhelmed by emotion. Unable to parse what it is I am feeling, let alone how to react.

I find myself in such a predicament now. I do not like it. I find myself growing angry at the confusion and the inability to understand something so fundamentally ME. When you cannot comprehend your own emotional state. How do you explain it to those you love? Those who care for and worry after you?

As in many cases, I wish I had the answer. Sadly. I do not.

I am trying however.

1 comment:

  1. I'm again in awe of the way you express things...even when it's about your inability to express something.
